Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to make money quick

Ok, let's be serious here. Can you really make money quick? It's easy, here's how:

  • Make money selling on e-bay. Everyone is doing it, buy items and resell them for a higher price. Research what is in demand and then sell, sell SELL!!
  • Do surveys on-line. or Savvy Survey. The most I made was $10 for one survey which took me ten minutes. 
  • Babysit. Most people will pay between $10-$20 an hour for babysitting.
  • Have a garage sale
  • Petwalk or sit for your neighbours. Not only will you earn extra cash, but you'll get exercise too. 
  • Sell stock photos 
  • Write articles on

25 easy ways to save money

ave money following these 25 easy tips

Saving money is a passion of mine, which Is why I'm choosing to blog about it. I have learned alot of tips from family and friends and just by doing my own research and learning from my mistakes.

  1. Pay your mortgage weekly, or bi- weekly. I was able to cut down 7 years of my mortgage by paying it bi weekly, as interest is calculated daily on my mortgage. Find out if your bank will apply your payment weekly, or bi- weekly. It was the same interest for me to pay either weekly or bi- weekly. 
  2. Find a auto insurance broker when it is time to renew your car insurance. I had no idea these people existed, I saved over $900 for two cars by doing this.
  3. Don't pay any banking fees!  This includes free transfers, bill payments, deposits.
  4. Get rid of cable!!! Not only will you save $55+, but you'll have more time with your family. I found there was only 1 or two channels I would watch anyways.
  5. Use the library... Do you know how many free programs are going on at your local library. I didn't until I went on mat leave with my son. They had a baby lap time program, where I got to interact, read and sing to my baby. I made alot of friends there too on the same wave length as myself. 
  6. Find out the free things to do in your town or city. There are  many free things out there. 
  7. Make your meals at home. I know, I know, it is hard when you are working full time, and the last thing you feel like doing is cooking a big meal when you get home from work. I always make larger portions and freeze the remainder. Cook with a friend, make two meals and share. 
  8. Plan your weekly menu around what's on sale. I don't deprive myself If I really want something or if its not on sale, but I try to always have a coupon or get the cheapest price. My mom is a really good shopper so I learned what's a good price, or else made a mental note. I stock up, especially on canned items when they go on sale. Be weary about the expiration date. I bought canned tomatoes that were on for 50 cents but they expired two months later... 
  9. Buy items in bulk, I especially love Costco for this. You pay more, but save alot in the end.
  10. If you have a credit card, make sure you get some sort of reward points for using it. I earn 1% back for everything I spend, and so far have made over $2000 since I received the card. Be careful you are not buying items you wouldn't normally buy if you didn't have the cash. 
  11. Take the bus or train to work once a week or commute with a friend. 
  12. Sell items on Craiglist or Kijji. This is another passion of mine, I LOVE Kijji. I have sold so many used and new items on Kijji for a fair price. I find people will pay more than garage sales as they are specifically looking for an item. I have sold everything from books to kitchen taps. Plus, you feel good after you de- clutter your home. 
  13. Learn how to do some car maintenance  on your vehicles... Okay, my husband does this. he knows how to change the oil, rotate the tires, and change the fluids. It might not sound like much, but we have saved hundreds of dollars just doing this ourself.
  14. Buy gently used baby clothing, share with your friends. Babies outgrow their clothing so fast anyways, 
  15. Make your own baby food and use cloth diapers.Yes, that's right. It is very easy to make your own baby food, and you will save a ton of money. As for the cloth diapers, I use when I'm at home and disposables when I go out. Not only will you save money, its better on the environment, and for your baby. 
  16. Buy your fruits and vegetables at the local farmers market. Not only are you supporting local, but it is usually much cheaper. 
  17. Get rid of any newspaper or magazine subscriptions. 
  18. Make your own coffee
  19. Plan and research your vacation spot. You can find alot of deals on-line!
  20. Turn down the heat at night. You will save between $5-$30 a month just by doing this
  21. Do your own renovations... Now  before you start doing this, make sure you know what your doing. I am lucky that I know a electrician and a plumber before I started my bathroom renovation.
  22. Avoid Debt. Pay things with the highest interest rate first. 
  23. Use Free Trial periods. We just got Netflix, where we pay $8 a month, but had the first month free. 
  24. Make money working from home on-line. Check out,   It's really easy to do any everyone is doing it these days. 
  25. If anything be smarter on your bigger purchases like your mortgage or car. This will save you thousands if you are smart about it. Don't feel guilty if you buy one coffee, now and then. Relax and have fun!